Rob Zombie Talks Groucho Marx And More


Rob Zombie has recently been interviewed by The Loudwire Nights about his upcoming Groucho Marx film and new music

July 10, 2015

Rob Zombie to direct film about Groucho Marx
Rob Zombie to direct film about Groucho Marx

Rob Zombie is now directing a non-horror movie, the Groucho Marx film. When asked about why he decided to try direct something so different from his previous works, the rocker told Loudwire Nights: “It’s really hard to break out because horror movies are so profitable. Once you start doing something that is profitable, that is all that everybody wants, because all they see is dollar signs. So, over the years I’ve tried to… I’ve wanted to break out of the genre. Because I love all kinds of movies, but there was never the right project…I read this book Raised Eyebrows, about the last years of Groucho Marx’s life. I mean I had read it years ago. I never thought about making a movie about it. And then Tyler Bates who had done some of the scores for my Halloween movies, said, “Oh a friend of mine is friends with this guy Steve Stoliar, who wrote that book. He was so excited that you read it.” So I was like, f— it, and I immediately called Steve and was like, we have got to make this into a movie”.

As for new music from Rob Zombie, we’ll remind that on January 21, 2015, Rob Zombie announced finishing the recording and mixing of the sixth album. In the Loudwire Nights interview he told the songs for the new album were all written by him and John 5 together, with the bass parts introduced by Matt [Piggy D.] afterwards with a touch of improvisation. You may read more from Loudwire interview chat here.