WAYNE STATIC’s Widow Tattoos His Face

Photo from https://www.flickr.com/

Tera Wray Static decided to honour her late husband WAYNE STATIC (STATIC-X frontman) with a full sleeve tattoo

July 28, 2015

11053691_885356378208884_337664883187920193_nStatic-X vocalist Wayne Static died on Novermber 1, 2014, at the age of 48. Yesterday his wife, Tera Wray took to Facebook to share photos of her new, full sleeve tattoo honoring her late husband, where she also outlined Static’s face in various ways. Besides the images, the tattoo also contains words “be with me, in my mind” and “I took my shape from your mind.”

Soon after the photos were uploaded to the social network, Static-X fans also couldn’t help noticing the ad for Jay’e Jones tattoos at Strata Tattoo Lab on Facebook. It resulted in strong critisim about Wray’s posts on Static’s Facebook page. All this fuss made Jay’e Jones comment that she “did not pay OR ask for it [the ad] to be posted” and that she was and still is the Statics’ favorite tattoo artist.

11063782_885356404875548_371800423830460004_nRecently, former Static-X member Terry Campos admitted that he and the other bandmates saw Static heading “down a path that none of the other guys wanted to go down” with drugs and alcohol, before his death. He also said that Wayne was not even asking or accepting any advice or help from his friends.

What do you think of Tera Wray’s new body art? Leave us your comments below and stay tuned with Alterock Facebook and Twitter to never miss on the news about your favorite alternative music!

Read: WAYNE STATIC autopsy results – drugs and alcohol involved (read here)

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