THE 1975 keep teasing fans, launch countdown clock


What are The 1975 up to? The band has deleted their social media accounts and now set a countdown clock on their website…

May 2, 2018

The 1975 are masters of teasing. After numerous other teasers they have launched a countdown clock on their official website, leading us to a certain date – June 1. Most probably, we’re to expect new music from the band very soon!

Active teasing began with a cryptic Instagram photo from The 1975 with no captions underneath. Soon the band deleted all their social media accounts, which usually happens when musicians are about to announce a new record or even era on their music path.

Uma publicação ompartilhada por @ trumanblack em

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Another obvious hint at a new era and a brand new image was given by vocalist Matt Healy. He appeared with pastel green hair color! Again, no explanations or comments from the singer.

Besides, Alternative Press adds that fans cannot help noticing posters similar to their cryptic Instagram post popping up around the U.K. They read: “First disobey then look at your phones.” Weird to say the least. Any thoughts on those? Let us know in the comments below.

Some tend to believe there’s new music coming up from The 1975 from the upcomig record Music For Cars on June 1, others believe it’s a music video introducing their new image. And what about those videos on the background of the countdown clock, including a snippet of Ed Sheeran’s ‘Shape Of You’?

And remember when at the end of January Healy tweeted “122 days”? If you still haven’t counted, in 122 days it will be precisely 1st June.

After having deleted months of posts from their walls in social media, The 1975 only left a post showing the first official Music For Cars teaser from July 14 of last year. Why would they do it? What are your thoughts on that?

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