5 SECONDS OF SUMMER: ‘We can do whatever the f*ck we want with our music’


Ashton Irwin told Alternative Press he hates the ‘pop-punk’ and ‘boy band’ labels placed on the band and highlighted that the band is free to do ‘whatever the f*ck’ they want

November 10, 2015

In a recent interview with AP‘s Maria Sherman, 5 Seconds Of Summer were asked about their sound and genre limitations on their music. “I do not give a damn about [the] limitations [anyone] puts on this band,” came Ashton Irwin’s reply. “I look at this band and I see three other dudes who are just as committed and ambitious as I am and we can do whatever the fuck we want with our music.”

Irwin also said he hates the ‘pop-punk’ label imposed on them. “I hate when people call us pop-punk sometimes, because we can do more than that,” he says. “If we can claw our asses out of nowhere in Sydney and become the band that we’re today, you can do anything… ‘That’s not pop-punk.’ ‘You’re a boy band.’ I could not give a f*ck. If we lived our life worrying about what other people thought, we wouldn’t be doing this.”

What do you think of Ashton Irwin’s statement? Be the first to share your thoughts in the comments, and join Alterock Facebook and Twitter to always be in the know about your favorite rock bands!

More: Stream 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER new album, Sounds Good Feels Good, here

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