The Martyr is Dommin’s fifth full-length album, written and produced solely by Kristofer Dommin

If you tend to “feel so alone” on Valentine’s Day, this news will take you out of your melancholy. It is today, February 14, that Dommin have released their fifth studio album, The Martyr. In addition to the five already familiar tracks released in 2018-2019, fans will enjoy additional 10 new songs, bringing it to a total of 15 tracks on the record.

Talking about the sonic theme and the record title, The Martyr, Kristofer Dommin says stylistically the album carries on Dommin’s signature sound:

“In some ways, this is a return to form. The album embodies the dark, melancholic rock fans are familiar with. When I looked over the list of songs, I noticed many had lyrics that mention the willingness to lose it all. The title of The Martyr felt fitting.”

With Dommin’s dark and sensual melodies, Kristofer’s deep vocals and unmistakable melancholic guitars, the new album will be your perfect company on the most romantic holiday of the year.

More: Kristofer Dommin plays AlteRock’s interview game: “Tricky personal questions”

The material for the album had been written and recorded by Kristofer gradually, over the past three years, encompassing various changes in the artist’s life. For one, the singer has recently moved from California to Tennessee. “I have so many ideas and songs that I feel a compulsion to release, so over the past year, I began putting everything together,” comments the artist.

When asked how he came to a decision to continue creating for Dommin as a solo act, Kristofer says: “I had to push forward or risk getting stuck in complacency. Until I find the right people again—or maybe forevermore—I am Dommin.” The paths of the singer and Dommin ex-members parted gradually over time, but it doesn’t mean the musicians lost touch:

“There were no hard feelings from my end. I genuinely love each member of Dommin and treasure their individual personalities. We worked as a band not just because of our musicianship but because our temperaments were so similar and I’m happy that we still keep in touch once in a while. I look forward to being on stage or making music with any of the guys in the future, even if only for fun, should the opportunity arise.”

Check out the album artwork below, order the new album at this location and give it a listen in the Spotify player below. Which song from The Martyr did you like best? Drop your comment on AlteRock Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

More: Exclusive DOMMIN Interview – “It doesn’t always have to be sunshine and rainbows”