ASKING ALEXANDRIA Cancel Gigs With Denis


ASKING ALEXANDRIA cancel first two shows with new vocalist Denis Shaforostov due to the singer’s visa issues / release new single with Denis, ‘I Won’t Give In’

May 27, 2015

Only a few hours after Asking Alexandria presented the first song with new vocalist Denis Shaforostov (Down & Dirty, Make Me Famous), titled ‘I Won’t Give In’, the band has suddenly canceled the two shows which would have been the new vocalist’s live debuts (via Metal Hammer). The gigs were cancelled even though they had already been sold-out: one was supposed to take place on May 31 at Manchester Academy 3 and the other – on June 1 at London Underworld.

Asking Alexandria’s guitarist Ben Bruce said cancellations occured due to visa issues. Nevertheless, the musician himself together with James, Cameron and Sam will be flying to the show venues to hang out with fans on the days of each show to somehow compensate for this circumstance.

Here is the band’s official statement regarding unexpected cancellations:

It is with a heavy heart and a great deal of frustration that I must regrettably inform you that our two UK shows have been canceled due to visa problems.

We have spent the last few days doing everything we possibly can to make sure that these shows wouldn’t be canceled but at the end of the day the US government took far longer than anyone could have predicted giving Denis his visa which has left us no time to finish his visa process to enter the UK.

You have no idea how much we were all looking forward to these shows and I promise you we will make it up to you. Myself, James, Cam and Sam will still be flying to the UK and will be at the venues on the day of each show to hang out with you guys.

Just several hours ago, the band released their first work with Denis Shaforostov, who is now in charge of lead vocals in Asking Alexandria, after the original vocalist Danny Worsnop left earlier this year. The brand new single is titled ‘I Won’t Give In’. Check it out below.

What do you think of the band’s new vocals and sound? Leave us your comments below and stay tuned with Alterock Facebook and Twitter to never miss on the news about your favourite alternative music!