Creed Singer On A Mission To Kill Obama


The wife and sister-in-law of the former Creed frontman Scott Stapp made a desperate 911 call, pleading to catch the musician and take him to a psych ward

December 12, 2014

Jaclyn_Nesheiwat_with_sisterIt hasn’t been long since Creed singer returned home from a mental facility. Just last month he claimed to be homeless, broke and the victim of some plot by IRS. These incidents took place after his wife, Jaclyn Stapp, filed for divorce, stating Scott’s abuse of “amphetamines, crystal meth and steroids.” Scott instead posted a video insisting he steered clear of drugs.

This time, Scott’s wife, Jaclyn Stapp, and her sister made a 40-minute-long 911 call. They told the dispatcher that Stapp had printed out 400-600 pages of CIA documents, supposedly found online, left the house shirtless and took off on a bicycle.

Women claimed that the musician announced himself a CIA agent and said his mission was to assasinate Obama. They also mentioned Scott had repeated he was being trained by the CIA and reported that he was carrying around a backpack with screwdrivers and some other tools. “We all stood by him because we know he is ill”, said Scott’s sister-in-law to the 911 dispatcher. “I love him, and we want him to get better”.

Surprisingly, soon afterwards Stapp contacted 911 himself, complaining that his wife had stolen his truck and that’s why he was on a bike. Upon the arrival of the police, Scott accused Jaclyn of ripping him off and said she tried to lock him up when he confronted her on that matter. After all, the police determined Scott did not show enough signs of mental instability and let him go.

creed-bandPreviously, at the end of November, Jaclyn had filed legal documents trying to trap Scott for a 60-day period into a psych ward on the ground of his heavy-drug-taking behaviour. She reported he was “irrational, incoherent, delusional, psychotic, dangerous and needs to be involuntarily committed to a mental facility again and he’s in great danger because he’s trying to detox himself without help”.

To remind you, in 2003, Creed singer intended to kill himself after drinking a bottle of Jack Daniel and told the media all Creed members wanted him dead anyway. Later he also made a few gunshots in his home when he was suffering painful drug release from his body, but then reconsidered commiting a suicide and put the gun away.

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Liste to Scott Stapp’s wife 911 call:

Watch Creed singer saying he is penniless because of IRS scam: