I THE MIGHTY New Video Shot In One Take


I THE MIGHTY have premiered their new music video for ‘The Lying Eyes Of Miss Erray’, shot in just one take

June 4, 2015

I The Mighty made up their mind not to be mighty hardworking this time and shot the music video for ‘The Lying Eyes Of Miss Erray’ in just one take, with the camera following the singer all around the apartment while he is looking for a mystery girl. The track is featured on the band’s new album, Connector.

Frontman Brent Walsh says (via Altpress): “We teamed up with director Raul Gonzo to create something weird, fun, and loosely based on the lyrical storyline—hoping to capture the feeling of being stuck in a strange dream. Shot in all one take, I’m following this girl from room to room, captivated by her presence but never actually getting to see her face until the very end. It was a lot of fun to make and I almost broke every time I saw the boys acting all dazed and vacant eyed with their food props.”

Check out the new video below and leave us your comments, and stay tuned with Alterock Facebook and Twitter to never miss out on the news about your favorite alternative music!

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