LAMB OF GOD’s Frontman Struck on the Head by Teenage Gang


Randy Blythe got attacked and struck on the head on the street of Dublin late on Sunday, prior to the band’s show

November 10, 2015

Lamb of God vocalist Randy Blythe was physically assaulted last Sunday, late at night, prior to the band’s show in Dublin, Ireland on November 9. The singer took to Instagram to say he was attacked by a group of “teenage dudes” in the street, one of whom struck him in the head from behind. You can read his Instagram post in full below.

The rocker was enjoying the city, taking photographs of the streets at around midnight. The singer blames having been “distracted” and forgetting his “street smarts”, as he found himself surrounded by a group of 5-6 teenagers wearing “hoodies and track pants”. “They didn’t even try to rob me, they just wanted to hurt someone, anyone – it was nothing personal for them- this makes me very SAD for these children,” commented Lamb of God’s frontman in his Instagram post.

Blythe got injuries to his elbow and head, and it could have turned even worse if a taxi driver passing by hadn’t honked the horn when he saw the incident and scared the kids off.  The injuries didn’t spot the vocalist from going on stage later that day, on Monday night in Dublin. The singer mentioned the incident during the show: he dedicated the song ‘512’ to those kids, adding: “This is for the five little s–ts who decided to sneak up on me last night. I hope you get your f—ing heads kicked in.”

Sometimes doing what you love comes at a price: here’s the Samuel Beckett bridge in Dublin, Ireland. Last night around midnight I walked one block away from my hotel to take some long exposures- right after I shot this very frame, I looked up & saw 5 or 6 teenage dudes (16 to 18 year olds?) in hoodies & track pants spreading out around me. “Well, crap, I guess it’s on” I thought. I started stepping quickly into the street away from the little cul-de-sac where I was (it was a bad spot to be trapped), trying to keep my eye on all of them at the same time. One kid drew up to my left getting close & BLAM- someone else hit me in the head from behind with something (I think they had a stick or whatever)- I saw stars for a second, then I heard car horns & a cabbie was driving at these kids & I was standing in the street trying to shake it off, because that little fucker had rang my bell pretty good. Like all cowards & weaklings all over the world, they came at me in numbers and struck from behind. I never even had a chance to smash one of the little shits because the cabbie (thank you, whoever you are) scattered them while I was regaining my wits. So now my glasses are gone (but I have contacts), my new Surf City hat w/the Black Flag bars is gone (but I brought another hat), my new e-cig is gone (but I have others), & I have a split open elbow & a bit of a headache (but it could have been much, much worse- I could have caught a knife). I remain grateful- I’M FINE. I’ve been in some of the sketchiest neighborhoods on earth & escaped unharmed, but last night I got distracted & forgot my street smarts for a couple of minutes. That was very, VERY stupid of me, & I paid the price. So lesson learned here is STAY ALERT, y’all. And Dublin- I still love you, I’m NOT afraid to come here, it’s a lovely city, BUT… please neuter & spay your feral children, because next time they might club someone whose head isn’t as hard as mine & kill them. They didn’t even try to rob me, they just wanted to hurt someone, anyone – it was nothing personal for them- this makes me very SAD for these children. So Dublin, sorry if tonight’s show was a little rough- I did my best for y’all…

Фото опубликовано D. Randall Blythe (@drandallblythe)

What do think of the incident and Randy Blythe’s patience and stamina to rock the show aftewards despite the injuries? Be sure to leave us your comments below and stay tuned with Alterock Facebook and Twitter to never miss on the news about your favorite alternative music!

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