Ex-Bandmate Can’t Wait To Dance on MARILYN MANSON’s Grave


Keyboardist Stephen Bier would dance ‘the electric Boogaloo, the Texas two step, the waltz, and an Irish jig’ on Manson’s grave…

February 2, 2016

Marilyn Manson’s ex-keyboardist Stephen Bier (stage name – Madonna Wayne Gacy) wishes Manson would die on his Facebook page, wondering why Manson is not one of the rock musicians who passed away recently. In his post he concludes with sorrow that ‘only the good die young’ and hopes to dance one day on Manson’s grave (via Alternative Nation). In his comments he refers to Manson by his real name, Brian Warner:

“I am genuinely amazed at how many prominent entertainers and musicians have kicked-off in the last 30 days… too bad Brian Warner isn’t one of them”, he stated. “I can’t wait to do: the electric Boogaloo, the Texas two step, the waltz, and an Irish jig on his grave.” Bier gives his ex-bandmate advice: “The best thing he can do to preserve his legacy, is put a bullet in his head and prove his integrity.”

Bier was in Marilyn Manson’s band from 1989 to 2007 and played a part in creating Smells Like Children, Mechanical Animals, The Golden Age of Grotesque and others major records.

Read Bier’s full Facebook message below:

“I am genuinely amazed at how many prominent entertainers and musicians have kicked-off in the last 30 days… too bad Brian Warner isn’t one of them. Apparently, the old cliche that ‘only the good die young’ is truth. I can’t wait to do: the electric Boogaloo, the Texas two step, the waltz, and an Irish jig on his grave. Maybe this is the end times, and it is a really slow rapture starting with musicians? The best thing he can do to preserve his legacy, is put a bullet in his head and prove his integrity. Presently, he is unintentionally… slowly… committing suicide one pill at a time.”

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[schema type=”review” url=”http://alterock.net/stephen-bier-marilyn-manson/” name=”Ex-Bandmate Can’t Wait To Dance on MARILYN MANSON’s Grave” description=”Keyboardist Stephen Bier would dance ‘the electric Boogaloo, the Texas two step, the waltz, and an Irish jig’ on Manson’s grave” rev_body=”Marilyn Manson’s ex-keyboardist Stephen Bier wishes Manson would die and wonders why Manson is not one of the rock musicians who passed away recently. ” author=”Tatiana Vinichenko” pubdate=”2016-02-06″ user_review=”5″ min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]