Fan Kicked off Stage by STORY SO FAR Frontman Shares Her Side of the Story


Becca Ilic has shared her comments on the incident with Story So Far’s frontman kicking her off stage

April 14, 2016

As you might have read, a few days ago, on April 10, the Story So Far’s show at the Mod Club Theatre in Toronto made the headlines of all music media on the Internet, when frontman Parker Cannon kicked a female fan off stage. For the first time, Becca Ilic, the fan booted offstage, has given her comments on what exactly happened at the show.

Alterock-story-so-far-kick-fan-offstageThe 21-year-old fan explained via Instagram, “I was at the show, got up onstage and tried to take a stupid Snapchat video of me jumping into the crowd. I was drunk and my phone wasn’t working properly to load the app, so I stood up there longer than I had anticipated. As expected at all hardcore shows, Parker was going with the flow and just hyping up the crowd so he kicked me offstage.”

Despite the incident, the woman admitted that she had no hard feelings toward the band after the incident. “It was all in good fun in my opinion, and it wasn’t even a hard kick, just like a push or nudge,” she told Alternative Press. “I know that I shouldn’t have been up there for that long of time—especially with my phone—but I’m not hurt, and I don’t have any malicious feelings toward the band whatsoever. I laughed when I fell into the crowd and I kept rocking out. I still love Parker Cannon, the Story So Far, their music, their shows, everything more than ever. I understand what could happen at hardcore shows, and, honestly, I have been seriously injured before at different shows by the crowd, but I wasn’t injured by Parker!

Ilic, for whom being in the mosh pit is a part of true rock show experience, previously visited the band’s show in November, and that time she didn’t leave the venue 100% safe and sound. She wrote AP that during the concert she got her piercing ripped out, had a concussion, got multiple bruises on her nose and got punched several times in the face. “I believe that it’s part of it all the rock/mosh pit scene, regardless of rock genre,” the fearless fan concluded.

She concluded by saying that she can’t wait to be at Story So Far’s next show but will reconsider taking videos for Snapchats due to the recent incident. However, club management was unpleasantly shocked by what they saw at the venue. Mod Club manager Jorge Dias told CBC News he’d never seen any incidents like this at the club over 14 years of his work. He added: “We are appalled by the actions of the singer. That was a very cowardly act.” Due to the incident, Story So Far have been banned from performing at the venue in the foreseeable future.