JARED LETO Transforms Into The Joker


JARED LETO of 30 Seconds To Mars seems to be totally changing his looks for the Joker part in the upcoming ‘Suicide Squad’

April 10, 2015

jaredletosuicidescuadThe world has been holding its breath since the moment the rumours about Jared Leto taking on the role of Joker in ‘Suicide Squad’ had been officially confirmed. Today, the director of the upcoming movie, David Ayer, has tweeted out a photo of Leto transforming himself for the Joker part (click on the photo on the right). The photo is a human copy of the cover picture of the cult comics Killing Joke.

The cast of the film is an all-around star team: Will Smith will play Deadshot (Batman), while Tom Hardy will take on the role of the group’s leader, Rick Flagg. Jared Leto’s character, the Joker, will be accompanied in his evil deeds in the movie by The Wolf Of Wall Street star, Margot Robbie, who has been chosen to play Harley Quinn, the Joker’s on-and-off girlfriend.

suicidesquadcastWhen yesterday the film director posted the cast photo on Twitter, Internet started vividly discussing why Jared Leto was not in the picture. Well, it seems that Jared was preparing to transform into his new character. The actor is now in Toronto, getting ready for the shooting of ‘Suicide Squad’, which is due to start in less than a week, on April 15.

As 30 Seconds To Mars continue the tour in May, the band’s fans might not only be able to enjoy the show but also see with their own eyes what Jared Leto looks like after the transformation into the evil Joker. The movie world premiere will take place on August 5, 2016.

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