Austria’s Eurovision 2024 singer is ready to “rave” on Malmö stage in just a couple of weeks

Europe and the whole world will get glued to their TV, laptop and phone screens on May 7-11. That’s when Eurovision Semi-Finals and Grand Final are taking place in Malmö, Sweden. This year has already been called one of the strongest Eurovision years, and also, one of the danciest. Eurofans believe that the ultimate dance queen this year is Austria’s Eurovision 2024 singer Kaleen.

AlteRock teamed up with Blog’o’vision to call Kaleen and ask her if the nerves are kicking in, as artists only have two weeks before they fly to Sweden, this year’s Eurovision host country. The singer also told us about various stage mishaps she’s experienced in her lifelong dance career and how she managed to overcome all the obstacles.

More: Who is KALEEN? – 15 Fun Facts about Austrian singer, set to sing ‘We Will Rave’ at Eurovision 2024

Be sure to watch our interview below and find out what what Kaleen is like off stage, without the strobe lights aimed at her. Stay till the end of the interview to see her answer some tricky questions. Which Eurovision artists does Kaleen consider the best dancers of all time? Who of Eurovision 2024 singers would she… marry?!

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