PAPA ROACH Finish Out The Year With New Video Falling Apart


Jacoby Shaddix and his bandmates are lighting up the end of the year with the music video for ‘Falling Apart’, directed by award-winning director Jesse Davey

December 27, 2015

While most bands have been pretty low key during the holiday time, Papa Roach have decided to stand out and launched the music video for ‘Falling Apart’, the third single from their latest album, F.E.A.R. With Jesse Davey in the director’s chair, the band has created the video that closely mirrors the lyrics of the track.

Papa Roach frontman Jacoby Shaddix comments on the video and the song the following way: “‘Falling Apart’ is an epic Papa Roach track from F.E.A.R.. The vocals are really straight forward, and then it explodes into that massive chorus – the audiences can’t help but jump up and down when we play it. The dynamics of the song move you to three distinctively different places and Jesse Davey’s video is truly a work of art and we’re excited for people to interpret it how they may”.

The band’s eighth studio album, F.E.A.R. has already dropped two major radio hits, with ‘Face Everything And Rise’ reaching #1 on the Active Rock Chart and ‘Gravity’ occupying #5 spot in the charts, thus, making the group one of the “Most Played Active Artists” of 2015.

Earlier this year, Shaddix revealed to The Pulse Of Radio that it was a hard decision for him to record the album in Las Vegas, the Sin City. He said, “I ended up in this city where I’ve had some of my greatest failures and worst decision making, and some of my biggest debacles of my life happened in Vegas, you know,” he said. “And I believe I was sent back to that city to go do right this time, and we went there and I just faced that fear of living in this city that I felt was gonna eat me alive. But really and truly I just gave myself to this music 100 percent, and that’s what pulled me through.”

So how would you interpret the new Papa Roach video? Watch ‘Falling Apart’ below, leave your comments and join our Facebook community to always stay tuned on alternative rock news.

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