NICKELBACK Post Picture of What Must Be Their Upcoming Ninth Album


It’s been almost three years since their latest studio effort, No Fixed Address

January 26, 2017

Nickelback’s latest album to date, No Fixed Address, came out in 2014, so it’s certainly time for new music to be recorded soon. And according to the new Facebook update and other media sources, that’s exactly what Nickelback are working on!

Alterock-nickelback-feed_the_machineTo begin with, the band took to Facebook to post a picture of what looks like a potential album cover, which reads Feed The Machine. In addition, Nickelback have recently signed a worldwide record deal with BMG (Warner Music Group), whereas their previous few records were released on Republic (Universal Music Group).

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Several music websites are also stating directly that the guys are “currently in the studio… working on material for a new full-length album”. Besides, there’s a “major announcement” the band will drop on February 1, according to the reports, so many believe this will be an album announcement.

There’s little room for mistake on what Nickelback are up to, especially since BMG’s recent comment by Zach Katz pointed out we should prepare to “experience their extraordinary new music soon”:

“We are thrilled to welcome the legendary Nickelback to BMG”, Katz says:

[quote align=”center” color=”#COLOR_CODE”]”For us, the opportunity to work side by side with a band of their caliber, with an exceptional body of work reaching the highest levels of global success, truly speaks for itself. We are excited to let the world experience their extraordinary new music soon.”[/quote]


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The Facebook post with supposedly Nickelback’s new album cover has stirred up tons of comments and vivid discussions about what the upcoming record will sound like. It won’t be an exaggeration to say the bar is set high for Nickelback to live up to fans expectations, which wasn’t exactly the case with the 2014′ album. Many are “hoping the new music rocks more than the music off of No Fixed Address did”, quoting one fan.

One observant fan has even come up with a rough “tracklist” of the new LP: “There’s gonna be a few songs about sex, few songs about drugs, there’s gonna be that one inspiring song, probably track 6 or 7, then a love song or two”, he wrote. It puts a smile on your face but it does look very much like Nickelback’s album scheme.

Do you think the band will break this pattern or keep making music in the same direction as on No Fixed Address? Share your thoughts in the comments, and join AlteRock Facebook and Twitter to stay tuned for rock and metal news.